#VRML V2.0 utf8 # Mr. Phillip (C)1998 mr.phillip@home.com # http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1855 NavigationInfo { avatarSize [ 0.25, 1.6, 0.75 ] headlight TRUE speed 1.0 type ["WALK","ANY"] visibilityLimit 0.0 } DirectionalLight { direction -0.2 -0.6 -0.8 } DEF World Viewpoint { position 0 1.65 15 description "Shrine" } Viewpoint { fieldOfView 0.75 orientation 0.11 -0.991 0.066 0.97 position -41. 2 28 description "Shrine2" } Background { groundAngle 1.5708 groundColor [ 0.1 0.1 0.09, 0.48 0.48 0.45 ] backUrl [] bottomUrl [] frontUrl [] leftUrl [] rightUrl [] topUrl [] skyAngle [ 0.05, 0.1, 1, 1.5708 ] skyColor [ 1 1 0.8, 1 1 0.5, 0.125 0.125 0.5, 0.3 0.3 0.55, 0.64 0.734 0.844 ]} Transform { translation 0 3.25 0 children [ Transform { # shrine sphere with my smiling face # translation 0 0 0 children Shape { appearance Appearance { texture ImageTexture { url [ "newfacet.gif" ] } } geometry Sphere { radius .4 } } } Transform { # shrine top # translation 0 2 0 children Shape { appearance DEF MAT1 Appearance { material Material { emissiveColor 0 0 1 #ambientIntensity 0.6 #diffuseColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 #shininess 0.5 #specularColor 0 0 .2 #transparency 0 } } geometry Box { size 8.25 0.25 8.25 } } } Transform { # shrine top next # translation 0 2.25 0 children Shape { geometry Box { size 6 0.25 6 } appearance USE MAT1 } } Transform { # shrine top most # translation 0 2.5 0 children Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Box { size 4 0.5 4 } } } Transform { # shrine stacked base # translation 0 -2 0 children Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Box { size 5 0.2 5 } } } Transform { # shrine mo base # translation 0 -2.2 0 children Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Box { size 5.5 0.3 5.5 } } } Transform { # shrine mo mo base # translation 0 -2.5 0 children Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Box { size 6 0.25 6 } } } Transform { # shrine even mo base # translation 0 -2.75 0 children Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Box { size 9 0.5 9 } } } Transform { # da ground # translation 0 -2.75 0 children Shape { appearance Appearance { material Material { #emissiveColor 0 1 0 #ambientIntensity 0.6 diffuseColor 0.0 1.0 0.0 #shininess 0.5 #specularColor 0 0 .2 #transparency 0 } } geometry Box { size 100 0.25 100 } } } Transform { # first 1 pillar # translation -2 0 -2 children DEF pillar Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Cylinder { height 4 radius .4 } } } Transform { # another 2 pillar translation 2 0 2 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 3 pillar translation -2 0 2 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 4 pillar translation 2 0 -2 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 5 pillar translation 2 0 0 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 6 pillar translation -2 0 0 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 7 pillar translation 0 0 2 children USE pillar } Transform { # another 8 pillar translation 0 0 -2 children USE pillar } Transform { # second row of 1 pillars # translation 3.5 -.5 3.5 children DEF pillar2 Shape { appearance USE MAT1 geometry Cylinder { height 5 radius .5 } } } Transform { # another 2 pillar translation 3.5 -.5 3.5 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 2 pillar translation -3.5 -.5 -3.5 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 3 pillar translation -3.5 -.5 3.5 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 4 pillar translation 3.5 -.5 -3.5 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 5 pillar translation 3.5 -.5 0 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 6 pillar translation -3.5 -.5 0 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 7 pillar translation 0 -.5 3.5 children USE pillar2 } Transform { # another 8 pillar translation 0 -.5 -3.5 children USE pillar2 } ] # End of root Transform's children } # End of root Transform